Thursday, September 22, 2011
Where did Cam Newton's detractors go??
It wasn't very long ago that Mr. Cam Newton was just considered an "athlete" that played the position of quarterback. The "hate" started in Week 3 of his Junior season at Auburn University, it grew and grew every week even leading into the NFL Draft. Cam led the nation in completion percentage that year and led Auburn to a National Championship with the help of standout DT Nick Fairley. Newton also brought home the coveted Heisman Trophy. I know there was the issue of the alleged "pay for play" scheme, but I am speaking strictly about on field issues. Newton chose to throw at the combine, didn't have a great showing and everyone jumped on him. He did a little better at his pro-day, but to his detractors that wasn't nearly enough. He was being compared to Jamarcus Russell, even though that comparison was a reach not to mention just blatantly disrespectful. Russell won a Championship on the play of a STRONG LSU defense and really only "performed" in one game. Cam took a team nobody CARED about, made them relevant, kept them undefeated, and delivered Auburn a National Championship. How could one have the GALL to make that comparison. I knew Cam had "it" around week 3, I continued to watch him EVERY week to make sure I wasn't falling into that horrible trap of catching him during a "hot" game. He reassured my decision to back him during that comeback against Alabama. I knew then, that Cam was that "leader" that few teams have the pleasure of drafting. One of the other reasons that I though Cam would be successful was his arm, he has an extremely strong arm. I did a little research prior to the draft, Cam was also very well PREPARED going into every game. He's the football equivalent to a "gym rat," he's always around the game. Those type of things are only said about "Elite" QB's, yet almost everyone was saying that he was SURE to fall flat on his face and would have to be "brought along slowly." I can respect some one's decision to be against something, as long as they themselves took the time to decide that they don't like something. Not to just jump on the coattails of another whom they might respect, find out for yourself and make a decision. Lastly STICK TO IT, if you won't apologize or admit when you are wrong. Fast forward to now, we're heading into the 3rd week of the NFL Season. Cam Newton has thrown for 854 yards, 3 TDs, and 4 INTs. Obviously the 4 INTs aren't a positive, but what is extremely impressive is the lack of balance he has on offense. The play-calling in Carolina is not one that you typically see when a team has a rookie QB, they are throwing as if he's been here for some time. The lack of balance on offense only makes it difficult for a rookie, instead Cam has THRIVED in this situation. What's MORE is that all of the naysayers are NOWHERE to be found. I mean there were many that vehemently declared that Cam was not NFL ready. WHERE ARE YOU, give the kid a chance and wait before you judge. I just felt like sharing that with you all, what were your impressions of Cam going INTO THE DRAFT and what are they of him now AFTER THE FIRST 2 WEEKS??
Willie's Rant: The "Hustle" that is the NCAA
The NCAA has 4 letters in it's name, it reminds me of another word though. Could you help me out, this word also has 4 letters and starts and ends with the letter P. The word I was searching for in this case, pimp. Plain and simple, one could see the similarities between the two right? Both are businesses that exploit the services of others for their own gain, I won't go into any more detail for fear of getting too far off track. I personally don't see anything wrong with all the Conference re-alignments if there were a good, decent, logical reason for doing so. The problem being, money is none of those reasons I just mentioned. It defies reason, with some of the schools being added to Conferences that are geographically polar opposites. The ACC shouldn't have ANY schools in New York, the ATLANTIC Coast Conference. Not the East Coast Conference, they aren't the only ones. That's just the example that is most fresh on my mind, secondly how does EVERYONE involved NOT playing the actual GAME get paid?? Those saying a free education is more than enough, would definitely not be saying that if THEY were the actual athletes. It makes no sense, that merchandise is being sold because of the PLAYER. It's not the name on the front, but the name on the back and the "player" that where's that specific # that makes it a commodity. Every school that is a household name started somewhere, it starts from winning. Winning starts from great recruiting, you're not recruiting boosters, you're recruiting the players. I don't care which end you start from, the foundation of ALL this are the kids that PLAY the actual GAME. It utterly disgusts me to watch these people, this "organization" continue to THRIVE off these kids. 4 years of an education at a "prestigious" university does mean something, I am by no means knocking that. There is still something wrong with a school getting paid for Bowl Games or National Championships when the PLAYERS get NOTHING. It just doesn't sit right with me, you're making millions for a service that YOU don't actually perform. Maybe I'm crazy though, maybe it's only RIGHT that you give a kid "an education" and make millions off them in return. What DO YOU THINK??
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Really Teddy Bruschi??
Dear Teddy,
Who knew that all it would take was getting in front of a camera to forget where YOU came from? YOU were a product of Bill Bellichick, he found you and put you in a position to where you COULDN'T FAIL. That didn't happen in year 1, it took time Teddy. That being said, how dare YOU criticize someone experiencing the New England culture for the first time? You haven't been in Chad's shoes, you weren't a Pro-Bowl caliber linebacker for years before you went to BB. You have no idea what Chad's going through, I think your former teammate Rodney Harrison was being kind by having your back. If people remember correctly he was seen as a villain, far worse as a teammate than Chad was and he didn't just "FIT" right in to the New England way of life. You haven't had that type of success that Chad has had without BB, secondly you above all people should know that if BB wants you in NE it's for a reason. We all know you're not questioning the guy that MADE you, are you? Chad will be fine, he hasn't been found "dogging" it on routes via Randy Moss. It's just a lot going on, he came in NE from the polar opposite in Cincinnati. Winning is not a word he is used to, nor is he used to that type of offensive precision to which he is trying to integrate himself to. Give him some time before you attack him, if BB had a problem with Chad tweeting and truly saw it as a "distraction" than Chad wouldn't be tweeting. BB plays chess, not checkers Teddy so be patient. Not to mention after almost every series, Tom and Chad are talking which means that there chemistry will only get better. If they weren't speaking and Tom was completely ignoring Chad, than I wouldn't have any issue with your position. If I remember correctly, that 50 TD year Tom had with Randy wasn't in year 1 was it? What do you guys think, is Teddy right or wrong??
Monday, September 12, 2011
Enosch Wolf Interview
Enosch Wolf member of the Reigning National Champion Uconn Huskies was generous enough to take the time out of his schedule to answer some of questions for My Mind on Sports!! If you're on twitter make sure you follow Enosch at @E_Wolf_1
WT: Was basketball your first love in terms of sports, or something that grew on you?
EW: I grew up with basketball, both of my parents played professional basketball in the first league in Germany! The first word I was able to say was "ball", i grew up in the gym due to the fact that my parents had practice everyday and I had to go with them.
WT: What was the transition like for you from home to being at Uconn?
EW: It wasn't too hard for me, I always wanted to live in the US and I definitely like the American way of life. I have to admit that I have problems with the food, and that will probably never change, I just love the European and especially German cuisine to much. But as far as living completely on my own out here, everything was good. the game is different out here, more focused on 1on1, athleticism and speed than a more tactical, smarter game in Europe. but I think this gives me advantages other guys don't have.
WT: How did it feel to be on a National Championship Team last year?
EW: It felt great, of course I would have loved to have played more and be a active part of the team on the court, but I wasn't there yet so i did the best I could to help my team off the court, in practice, during games. It was the greatest experience I made I my whole life!
WT: Now that Uconn is loaded with Bigs after the addition of Drummond, what kind of impact will the Bigs have on this year's team compared to last?
EW: I think our main focus on our scoring is going to change, last year we obviously had Kemba and the main scoring happened in our back court. this year the scoring is going to be more balanced, what, in my opinion, makes us even better and more versatile.
WT: How will Enosch Wolf impact Uconn basketball this year?
EW: I will play my role as good as I can and give, not only UConn basketball, but UConnation the best I can!
WT: What are your expectations for Uconn basketball this season?
EW: I'm not a big fan of saying that we are going to repeat or anything, but we definitely have a shot on doing it again. All it takes now is hard work and dedication from our side to make it happen!
WT: I asked Alex during our interview, but who has the most bounce on the team?
EW: He probably answered that with "himself" haha but I'll give that to Ryan Boatright, 41" vertical as i believe. But now with Andre joining the team, I don't know! We have a lot of good jumpers on the team, but Ryan and Andre are probably the most impressive!
WT: Lastly, what do you think of the polls disrespecting Uconn by not having them in the preseason top 10?
EW: I love it! it is way easier to just do your thing when people don't put huge expectations on you. I'm perfectly fine with them doubting us, they did the same thing last year and we all know how we finished the season.
WT: Was basketball your first love in terms of sports, or something that grew on you?
EW: I grew up with basketball, both of my parents played professional basketball in the first league in Germany! The first word I was able to say was "ball", i grew up in the gym due to the fact that my parents had practice everyday and I had to go with them.
WT: What was the transition like for you from home to being at Uconn?
EW: It wasn't too hard for me, I always wanted to live in the US and I definitely like the American way of life. I have to admit that I have problems with the food, and that will probably never change, I just love the European and especially German cuisine to much. But as far as living completely on my own out here, everything was good. the game is different out here, more focused on 1on1, athleticism and speed than a more tactical, smarter game in Europe. but I think this gives me advantages other guys don't have.
WT: How did it feel to be on a National Championship Team last year?
EW: It felt great, of course I would have loved to have played more and be a active part of the team on the court, but I wasn't there yet so i did the best I could to help my team off the court, in practice, during games. It was the greatest experience I made I my whole life!
WT: Now that Uconn is loaded with Bigs after the addition of Drummond, what kind of impact will the Bigs have on this year's team compared to last?
EW: I think our main focus on our scoring is going to change, last year we obviously had Kemba and the main scoring happened in our back court. this year the scoring is going to be more balanced, what, in my opinion, makes us even better and more versatile.
WT: How will Enosch Wolf impact Uconn basketball this year?
EW: I will play my role as good as I can and give, not only UConn basketball, but UConnation the best I can!
WT: What are your expectations for Uconn basketball this season?
EW: I'm not a big fan of saying that we are going to repeat or anything, but we definitely have a shot on doing it again. All it takes now is hard work and dedication from our side to make it happen!
WT: I asked Alex during our interview, but who has the most bounce on the team?
EW: He probably answered that with "himself" haha but I'll give that to Ryan Boatright, 41" vertical as i believe. But now with Andre joining the team, I don't know! We have a lot of good jumpers on the team, but Ryan and Andre are probably the most impressive!
WT: Lastly, what do you think of the polls disrespecting Uconn by not having them in the preseason top 10?
EW: I love it! it is way easier to just do your thing when people don't put huge expectations on you. I'm perfectly fine with them doubting us, they did the same thing last year and we all know how we finished the season.
Friday, September 9, 2011
My Mind On....USA Men's Soccer
So it's been 3 games under Mr. Klinsman, it's very hard to make a judgement after such a short period. I just want to share what I've seen and some of the things that can easily be fixed. The first thing I like about Klinsman is that the players seem a little more at ease in terms of being creative. One of my biggest pet peeves was that the US never tried to atttack a player 1v1, never saw an attacking player on the US GO AT the opposing defense. My biggest issue thus far, the FORMATION!!! For the type of talent that is now in the player pool, this formation is hindering the offense. Switching to a 4-4-2 would boost the attack and keep the field balance at all times. In all 3 games the US was vulnerable to counter attacks, not by a slim margin either. Every opponent was able to easily thwart the United State's attack and take advantage numbers wise on the counter attack. In the 4-5-1, the midfielders get sucked too far forward when attacking and the defense is at the opposing teams mercy. As I have mentioned before, talent is not the issue here. The influx of young talent has been apparent thru these 3 games, Torres looks to be the type of center attacking midfielder(distributor) the US has always lacked. Edu looks to be a very gifted 2 way player in the middle of the field, the only thing different between his club role and national team role is his freedom. In club play he is given more freedom to attack and force pressure on the defense, for the national team he has been reduced to being the holding midfielder pretty much playing the role of an added defender. Agudelo has great energy and is truly a force in the box, he also has that ability to win 1v1 battles. Shea is another one of the kids I'm a fan of, I see him being a good wing player until he gains enough wait to do damage in the box. I don't think some of the last regime's players fit this regime though. It was only one game, but Dempsey looked significantly better than Donavan in this scheme. Dempsey is much more comfortable on the ball and creating chances for his teammates. One of the things that I think would give the US the type of offense that could contend with some of better countries in the world, pairing Agudelo with Altidore. We have yet to see them in the game together let alone up top together, i think of the attention the demand when being the lone striker up top and it boggles my mind as to why they aren't paired together. Think of the damage the could cause up front as a pair, but maybe Klinsman is just waiting to make that happen. Once again, it's only 3 game there are many more games before we can pass a fair judgement on the Klinsman regime. Thanks for reading some of my thoughts, make sure you give me your feedback!!
Do the Saints MISS Reggie Bush???
The NFL season got off to a GREAT start last night in the Packers-Saints game, the Packers held on to win. Let me tell you what jumped out at me about the Saints offense. They MISS Reggie Bush, I understand that D.Sproles had a good game and does some of the same things. Sproles really helped in the return game, by NO WAY am I knocking Sproles. All I'm saying is that the biggest threat in the Saints offense WAS Reggie Bush. The THREAT of him being on the field aided the Saints offense, he was a MATCHUP NIGHTMARE. When a defense looks at the Saints now in terms of match-ups, it's EASIER to defend them in the short field. Last year when the Saints were in the Red Zone, they'd have P.Thomas and R.Bush in the backfield which caused trouble for the opposing defense. One of the best plays the Saints ran was the fake to Bush and give to Thomas up the middle, the reason being you had to ACCOUNT for Bush. Or how much more open the WR used to be when Bush lined up in the backfield for period let alone play action. I know some of you reading this are going to tell me I'm crazy, but you tell me who scares you more matchup wise...D.Sproles or R.Bush?? Think about it for a little bit, in that same situation last year the Saints would have thrown that swing pass to Reggie and it would have been a foot race...I'm just saying!! Tell me what you think, whether you agree or not I'd like your feedback!!
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